Guidelines for Abstract Submission – WAAVP 2025
The Scientific Committee of WAAVP 2025 welcomes the submission of
abstracts for oral or poster presentations. Please adhere strictly to
the following guidelines to ensure your submission is processed
General Information
Language: Abstracts must be submitted in
English only.
Presentation Preference: Authors can indicate their
Word Limit:The abstract text is limited to
2,000 characters (including spaces but excluding the
title, author’s names, and affiliations).
Presenter Requirements:
- The presenting author must be a registered participant.
Abstract submission does not automatically register the presenting
Registration must be completed separately, and the registration
fee must be paid in full.
Notification of Decision: Presenting authors will be
informed whether their abstract is accepted or
rejected and whether it is designated as an
oral or poster presentation after
the review process.
Specific Information
Title: The title should be clear, concise, and
accurately convey the study’s focus. Only the first word should have
capital letters.
Authors and Affiliations
- List all authors in the order of their contribution.
Provide the institutional affiliation of each author:
- Include the email address of the presenting author.
- Indicate the presenting author using bold and underlined text.
Maximum limit of 2 titles as main author
Abstract Structure
Abstracts should follow this structure:
Introduction: Provide brief context or background for
the research.
Objective: Clearly state the study's purpose or
Methods: Summarize the methodology employed
Results: Highlight the key findings with some
statistical data. Statements such as "Results will be presented" will
not be accepted.
Conclusion: Present the main implications or
relevance of the research.